Browse Artefacts (885 total)

WR 6-min.JPG
Small glass bottle with chipped glass stopper, empty except for a powdery light-orange residue around the neck.

WR 5-min.JPG
Small glass bottle with glass stopper filled with a small amount of brown, gravel-like matter.

WR 4-min.JPG
Small glass bottle with glass stopper filled with a very small amount of whitish powder, and a darker residue round the sides and neck.

WR 3-min.JPG
Small glass bottle with glass stopper, the top of which is almost completely broken off, coated on the inside by a reddish-orange residue likely from some sort of liquid or tincture.

WR 2-min.JPG
Small glass bottle with chipped glass stopper, lined with the cream coloured residue of some sort of powder or paste.

WR 10-min.JPG
Small glass bottle with glass stopper, lined heavily with a rust-brown, powder-like residue.

WR 1-min.JPG
Small glass bottle with glass stopper containing a small amount of rust-brown residue, probably from some sort of powder. The same residue, just darker, can also be seen around the neck.

Infusion of Crocus Mettalorum, labelled by Sir Stuart Threipland in his medicine chest as ‘In. Croc: Metal’.

Crocus Mettalorum (Crocus of Antimony; Liver of Antimony) was a strong purgative used to induce vomiting. An infusion of crocus…

Huxham’s Tincture Bark, prepared by Duncan, Flockhart & Company. Devised by Dr John Huxham (c.1692-1768) to treat fevers, Huxham’s Tincture contained cinchona bark, orange peel, serpentary root, saffron, cochineal and alcohol. Huxham’s original…

This wooden medicine chest contains homeopathic remedies. There are three rows of nine spaces containing small glass medicine bottles with cork stoppers. It was presented to the College by Mr and Mrs Eric Davidson.
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